Various tornado paintings by Jeff Regensburger If you've been following my blog posts, you know that I currently have a selection of paintings on display at the Dayton Visual Arts Center . These are on view along with the work of Michael Bashaw as part of "Something This Way Comes" , a tornado themed exhibit held in conjunction with the Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center . In support of this exhibition, I was invited to give a gallery talk last night. This is something I enjoy as it provides a chance to address many of the underlying ideas behind the work. While it's obvious what the paintings are (tornadoes), the way they're arrived at isn't. Tornado Installation (detail) by Michael Bashaw As I've developed this body of work, I've worked through questions about photography (and it's role in painting), art history, American landscape painting, and the role of painting as a form of documentation. In my mind at least, the works...
On Summit provides occasional updates and content from Jeff Regensburger. Mostly it's about art, but there might be stuff about friends, music, museums and libraries too.