I announced previously that the long dormant Patsys will be dusting off their gear and trekking north to Clintonville Academy for a special event on Saturday September 18th. It's a benefit of sorts, being organized by members of the school community to lend a hand to Rob Behler and his lovely family . I'll admit I don't have a lot of details to share, but here's what I do know: 1. It will be outside; the parking lot of Clintonville Academy to be exact (3916 Indianola Avenue). 2. The Patsys go on at 3:30 PM. 3. There will be children, possibly belly-dancers. 4. It's for a good cause. 5. You should come. I know it's a busy weekend, and I'm not normally one to beg, but if you only go to one Patsys show this year, make it this one. It would mean the world to us.
On Summit provides occasional updates and content from Jeff Regensburger. Topics may include art, home renovations, travel, libraries, politics, and museums.