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Showing posts from September, 2011

So Much To See! The Fall Arts Roundup

All of the sudden the arts calendar in Central Ohio is packed with some top-notch shows and events. Here's a rundown of what I'll be checking out in the next month, and why: What: Caravaggio: Behold the Man! The Impact of a Revolutionary Realist. October 21, 2011 - February 5, 2012, Columbus Museum of Art Why: It's a Caravaggio painting. It's in Columbus. Isn't that enough? Seriously, people fly to Europe to see this sort of thing, and this one's going to be in your own back yard. Go see it. What: Alexis Rockman: A Fable for Tomorrow September 16, 2011 - December 30, 2011, Wexner Center for the Arts Why: Maybe you no longer believe painting can tell vital stories. Perhaps you've forgotten what it's like to get lost in a painting. Maybe you've decided that only 19th-century landscape painters can do sublime. If that sounds like what ails you, then Alexis Rockman is the cure. Think big-budget message movie without the shitty dialouge and crappy CGI...