Anyone who's lived in the University District more than a couple years knows well the seasonal patterns of the migrating students who reside there. Football season brings wandering bands of scarlet and grey clad bros sporting traditional Natty Light crowns. Winter break sees a period of relative calm, punctuated by the backyard pyrotechnics and dumpster fires that signal the start of a New Year. Summer sees the great exodus as students return to their ancestral homes. And the end of summer? That's moving season; the time when leases expire and the annual game of musical apartments begins. A major part of this seasonal change involves an effort to "travel light" by jettisoning anything non-essential to the move. That usually means filling the campus area alleys with mattresses, TVs, chairs, couches, chests of drawers, and just about anything else that's either too heavy or too unfit to move. To many, this accumulation of trash is nothing more tha...
On Summit provides occasional updates and content from Jeff Regensburger. Mostly it's about art, but there might be stuff about friends, music, museums and libraries too.