My wife and I have been putting together a modest collection of original art over the last few years. In this case "modest" means that we buy within our means and usually stick to smaller works, often by local artists. In the process of building our collection we've maintained a "wish list" of artists whose work we appreciate and would like one day to own. Paul Emory has been one such artist. So, it was our good fortune that we managed the winning bid for his painting "Tonya" at a recent Ohio Art League fundraiser. If you're not familiar with Paul Emory's work...well...honestly it's hard to talk about. I say that because the words that one might be inclined to use (words like weird, naive, creepy, and childlike) can make his paintings sound...well...unattractive. Similarly, the works themselves present something of an acquired taste. The first encounter with them can be jarring. In his narrative paintings , haunting, stylized figures ...
On Summit provides occasional updates and content from Jeff Regensburger. Topics may include art, home renovations, travel, libraries, politics, and museums.