When people talk about men's ties, you can expect to hear opinions about width, pattern, and color. At a higher level (and usually among tie aficionados and devotees), the conversation inevitably drifts to the knot; the shape of the knot, the size in relation to the collar, and the number of moves it takes to execute a particular knot. What's rarely brought up in these conversations is proper tie length. Maybe people don't notice. Maybe they think it doesn't matter. Maybe they assume that length is simply a function of the cut and shape of the tie (and therefore beyond the wearer's control). To these points, I offer the following: there is a proper length, you should notice, it does matter, and it can be controlled. To be clear, the tip of your tie should land at the middle of the waistband/belt buckle. "Tie length? Yuuuge, right?" Donald Trump consistently wears his ties at cartoonish lengths. Maybe it's part of the Republican platfo...
On Summit provides occasional updates and content from Jeff Regensburger. Topics may include art, home renovations, travel, libraries, politics, and museums.