I've been dreading this. My 2014 resolutions were made pretty explicitly and pretty publicly in this January blog post . Since then, they've been in the back of my mind, mostly in that, "Oh yeah...I should do that..." sort of way. Some I've acted on, some I haven't. So, since I'm a bullet-point kind of guy, and this is the season for making lists and checking them twice, let's look back and see how well (or poorly) I did with my 2014 resolutions: Read 52 Books: Done. This will happen. I've read 51 books so far and will certainly read one more before 12/31. For a full account of my 2014 reading, check out my GoodReads page: https://www.goodreads.com/user_challenges/1095620 (As a side note, I should mentioned that I'd also resolved that at least half the books I read in 2014 would be by authors who are women. I ended up reading 27). Paint 52 Paintings: Not done. Not even close. I completed 15 paintings in 2014. I'll do better in 201...
On Summit provides occasional updates and content from Jeff Regensburger. Mostly it's about art, but there might be stuff about friends, music, museums and libraries too.