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Nordecke Misogynists F**k Off!

You know what's worse than watching the Crew SC blow a 3-0 lead to Toronto FC in the 89th minute?

Watching them blow that lead while goons in the Nordecke chant:

You're all a bunch of cunts!
You're all a bunch of cunts!
Fuck You Toronto!
You're all a bunch of cunts!

Seriously. People chanted this. In public. With enthusiasm.

This, right here:

You're all a bunch of cunts!
You're all a bunch of cunts!
Fuck You Toronto!
You're all a bunch of cunts!

And lest you think this was just an isolated case of gender specific insults conjured up by a toxic mixture of dollar beer night and fan frustration, I can assure you it's not. Gendered insults pop up in the Nordecke in a way that's as alarming as it is regular.

If an opposing player gets hurt or goes down, you can expect to hear this chanted ad nauseum:

She fell over!
She fell over!
She fell over!
She fell over!

Get it? Because girls can't take it. They're weak and stuff.

If that player stays down for too long, you'll be treated to this gem:

You're a pussy!
You're a pussy!
You're a pussy!
You're a pussy!

Get it? Because being like a girl is like the worst thing you can say about someone, amirite?

And who can forget this brilliant bit of commentary that was trotted out when Sacha Kljestan and the New York Red Bulls were in town:

Sacha is a girl's name!
Sacha is a girl's name!
Sacha is a girl's name!
Sacha is a girl's name!

Ignore for a second the fact that the steakheads chanting this didn't recognize what is a fairly well known unisex name (Sacha Baron Cohen anyone?), the intent was as above: female = worthy of ridicule.

What's ironic about this kind of choreographed misogyny is that at each and every match fans are treated to a highly polished video urging us "Don't Cross the Line". It's the MLS campaign designed to foster unity, inclusion, and respect. Per their site, "Major League Soccer is committed to supporting the communities where we live and play our games, and to providing an environment in which our staff, clubs, players, partners and supporters are treated with dignity and respect. We will not tolerate discrimination, bias, prejudice or harassment of any kind."

That's just great. Props to all of us for not busting out some snappy f**got chant when Robbie Rogers and the LA Galaxy come to town. Let's pat ourselves on the back because we don't call African players monkeys or n**gers.

But BITCH? PUSSY? CUNT? "Hey, that's just good fun..."


No, it's not.

It's abusive and it's wrong. It creates an environment that's hostile and unwelcoming.

It crosses the line.

It needs to stop.



  1. Jeff, this coming from a chic in Nordecke..... you are kindly being referred to as a pussy cunt from me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As another proud feminist hooligan that actually owns a vagina, you need to get the sand out of yours.
    Normally, I hate crowds, especially when they are overpopulated by men. For example, ladies 80s I stopped going to years ago because of the amount of random groping that would occur just trying to get to the bathroom.
    I've never felt so safe in public as I do in the 'decke. I am surrounded by family, and I am chanting "pussy", " cunt", and "whore" along with all these "misogynists" who love and value their fellow supporters, regardless of tits.
    We're trying to intimidate the opposing teams. No one wearing black and gold. And if even you can't see that, perhaps you should move to the more family friendly sections.

  4. As another proud feminist hooligan that actually owns a vagina, you need to get the sand out of yours.
    Normally, I hate crowds, especially when they are overpopulated by men. For example, ladies 80s I stopped going to years ago because of the amount of random groping that would occur just trying to get to the bathroom.
    I've never felt so safe in public as I do in the 'decke. I am surrounded by family, and I am chanting "pussy", " cunt", and "whore" along with all these "misogynists" who love and value their fellow supporters, regardless of tits.
    We're trying to intimidate the opposing teams. No one wearing black and gold. And if even you can't see that, perhaps you should move to the more family friendly sections.

  5. There are many ways to express modern Feminism. Happily employing gender specific expetiives in support of patriarchy is not one of them.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You can be a male and be wrong about a female related issue. You can be female and be wrong about a female related issue. The fact is that these types of chants are harmful and propagate indecent and childish behavior. Shame on us if we condemn Orlando's fan's antics but can't intimidate, yell, be irrationally enthusiastic or mad at a ref, and have fun supporting our team without turning to beyond foul chants.

  8. Buddy...never attend a European futbol game if THIS offends you. Also, never attend an NFL game, major conference CFB game, or anything that is high impact. Fans chant things, they do it to try and get a rise out of players/get in their heads. I understand that in the confines of your PC world that you and other Social Justice Warriors have created that this (and anything, really) offends you. The culture isn't going to change because it hurt your feelings. Maybe the culture should change, and everyone should hold hands and sing kumbaya followed by We Are The World. Utopianism, everyone everywhere is perfect and doesn't offend anyone. When you figure out how to do it, pass the blunt, because other people are going to want what you are smoking.


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