Sorites paradox, sometimes called the paradox of the heap or paradox of the pile, asks us to consider how many small things might be needed to add up to something substantive. The typical version of sorites paradox starts with a heap of sand. From that heap, grains of sand are removed one at a time.
Obviously, removing a single grain doesn't change the nature of the heap. It will still be a heap of sand. But what happens when we repeat the process? What if we were to keep going to the point that only one grain remains? Is it still a heap? If not, at what point did our collection of grains change from being a heap to not being a heap?
A picture of a sandy beach, taken from ground level and looking out towards the ocean.
A common variant of sorites paradox starts with a single grain of sand and prescribes adding granules one at a time. Adding one grain won't make a heap, nor will the addition of two or three. Through repetition though, we know that a heap of sand will eventually emerge. This is the variant of sorites paradox that interests me right now.
Since the U.S. election in November of 2024, I've found myself making a number of small but deliberate changes in my life. I've quit certain social media platforms. I've donated money to local independent media outlets and mutual aid groups. I've donated to our local food pantry. I have attended marches and been more vocal in supporting the causes I believe in. I have been intentional in thinking of the ways I can build community. All of these acts align with my values and reflect the world I want to see.
These changes have been modest. They are largely personal and quite possibly futile. Meta will not suffer for my absence, nor will Amazon. Poverty will not be eradicated because of my donations to Neighborhood Services Inc. My small actions - like grains of sand if the analogy isn't obvious - don't appear to be adding up to much right now. I have to believe though, that if I continue adding small actions, something substantive will eventually emerge; a heap of actions if you will, and one that wouldn't exist otherwise.
A black and white photograph shows a crowd of people marching with signs. The U.S. Capitol dome can be seen in the background.
And maybe if my modest heap and your modest heap were to somehow get pushed together, and then some others too...well...who knows?
I guess the point is this, even if you don't see immediate results and even if your small things don't seem to add up right now, keep doing them. I promise you I will.
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